
AstroWorld Software (Português)

do you know what is one of the oldest examples of human culture?
It is a 17,000 year old bone from the Stone Age, on which counting tools to observe the phases of the moon were carved.
So this bone represents a tool for astronomical observation.

The first written testimonies of men from the third millennium before our era, which were found in Mesopotamia between Tigris and Euphrates, include astronomical observations of planetary motions in the sky and their astrological interpretation.

Surprisingly, especially in the recent decades, a general interest in astrology spread again.
According to a survey conducted by the "Deutsche Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung" from 1997 astrology stands even in the first place on the ranking of the content to which most Germans believe.

Thus astrology proves as one of oldest and still most modern art and science of mankind.

With AstroWorld Software you have one of the most experienced and most advanced tools for astrological work and the enrichment of your life ready to hand.

AstroWorld Programs are available in
German, English, French, Italian, Nederlands, Portuguese and Spanish

IMPORTANT: Before installing AstroWorld programs, please read the following » Installation instructions.

AstroWorld 2000 Full-Version (Português)
AstroWorld 2000 Full-Version (Português)

Programa de astrologia para o cálculo e interpretação de mapas natais, parcerias, horóscopos diários e anuais, etc., para amadores e profissionais

UPGRADE AstroWorld 4.x Full- to 4.3 Pro (Português)
UPGRADE AstroWorld 4.x Full- to 4.3 Pro (Português)

Atualize AstroWorld 2000 Full-Version para AstroWorld 2000 Pro-Version

AstroWorld 2000 Pro-Version (Português)
AstroWorld 2000 Pro-Version (Português)

Programa de astrologia para o cálculo e interpretação de mapas natais, parcerias, horóscopos diários e anuais, etc., para amadores e profissionais

UPDATE AstroWorld 4.x Full- to 4.3 Full (Português)
UPDATE AstroWorld 4.x Full- to 4.3 Full (Português)

Atualize AstroWorld 2000 4.x Full-Version para AstroWorld 2000 4.3 Full-Version

UPDATE AstroWorld 4.x Pro- to 4.3 Pro (Português)
UPDATE AstroWorld 4.x Pro- to 4.3 Pro (Português)

Atualize AstroWorld 2000 4.x Pro-Version para AstroWorld 2000 4.3 Pro-Version


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